wtorek, 5 lutego 2013

Companies in Poland


The Kostrzyca Forest Gene Bank is an organizational unit of the State Forests, which came into being in 1995. The institution conducts the long-term storage of gene resources of forest trees and shrubs as well as the monitoring of the quality of reproductive material, that is seeds from the most valuable seed objects of the State Forests and national parks, nature reserves, nature monuments, which are significant to the environmental protection.

The Kostrzyca FGB's tasks are carried out by its following units:

The Protection and Storage of Forest Gene Reserves Unit is responsible for supervising seedling crops, securing the acquisition and management of seed material collections as well as pursuing technological processes during the reception of seeds for storage. The unit is also functioning as the seed mill and storage facility for the Sate Forests's Authority in the Wrocław area.

The Research and Resources Protection Unit carries out seed material laboratory assessments, preserves gene resources and deposits undergoing technological processes and those kept in the Kostrzyca FGB storage rooms, runs a data bank on gene resources stored in all the country's seed-bearing facilities. This unit also serves as the Sees testing Station for the State Forests' Authority in Wrocław.

The Biopreparation Production Unit produces mycorrhizal biopreparation based on the Hebeloma crustuliniforme fungus for the needs of the State Forests' Authority and analyses the results of the production for the purpose of improving the bio-preparation production technology.

The Research and Implementation Unit consists of 2 Laboratories.
The Cryopreservation Laboratory focuses on working out a methodology of storing plant genetic material with seeds of the Recalcitrant category, as embryo axes or plumulas kept in liquid nitrogen.
The DNA Analyses Laboratory identifies forest reproduction material by means of genetic markers, studies the genetic variability of forest trees, pursues basic research in the look-out for wood genetic markers of basic forest-forming species for the purpose of identifying wood stolen from forests controlled by the State Forests.

Biuro Projektów KOKSOPROJEKT Sp. z o.o


Koksoprojekt is high specialised engineering company with over 55 years experience in design engineering and completing of projects in the area of cokemaking industry and related branches of industry including environmental protection facilities.

First and foremost, Koksoprojekt is specialised in:
conventional cokemaking including large-size coke oven batteries with stamp charging and top charging system as well as new processes of coke oven gas treatment,
coal by-products recovery and treatment, including electrode pitches production,
graphite electrodes and processed coal products production,
storage yards (including loading and unloading operations) of solid and liquid fuels, and wastes,
air-tight sealing systems with vapours recovery for chemical plants and fuels storage,
industrial gas systems and utilities supply systems,
civil engineering and industrial building including area management ,
complex electric installations, instrumentation & control and automation systems,
water and waste water management systems,
heating systems, air-conditioning and ventilation systems,
environmental protection equipment for various process lines.

In the area of environmental protection Koksoprojekt has developed it's own technologies for: coke oven gas cleaning, including:
coke oven gas cleaning, including:
a) coke oven gas desulphurisation by Ammonia, Catalytic - Soda and Potash -Vacuum process,
b) ammonia removal,
c) benzol removal,
coke oven batteries and auxiliary plants and process lines dedusting systems,
tanks and loading terminals air-tight sealing systems.

Koksoprojekt co-operates with many renowned foreign companies and is ready to adapt it's design engineering documentation to standards and requirements imposed by every Customer.
Engineering services offered by "Koksoprojekt" include the whole of activities required to complete the overall project.


Since 1997 BP Koksoprojekt has had the Quality Management System based implemented. The System was developed on the basis of PN-EN-ISO 9001 standard and confirmed by the Quality Certificate No. 0410019970022 - E2 issued by TÜV NORD POLSKA. In July 2003, the Quality Management System according to PN-EN-ISO 9001 standard has been implemented. Two management processes, two main processes - namely design engineering process and projects completion process, and twelve auxiliary processes have been identified and elaborated. Their reciprocal interplay as well as criteria and methods required to provide its supervision and efficiency have been defined. Processes are being monitored and analysed by the appointed leaders. However processes which are provided subsuppliers and subcontractors.

The Quality System has been documented in:
Quality Book,
16 processes,
22 procedures,
11 instructions,
4 norms.

The Quality System is regularly and systematically checked by TÜV NORD POLSKA through inspection and re-certification audits as well as by internal audits which prove that our approach towards quality is effective and enables to reach intended objectives. The Company Management pays great attention to quality of engineering services and to Customers' satisfaction. It is expressed in the Quality policy adopted and realized by the Company and in the Objectives and targets of quality that are established every year.

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